Thursday, December 2, 2010

ojars feldberg

The following are stone carvings by the titled artist, who own and ran the sculpture park i worked at and installed 3 pieces at the summer of 09'in Pedvale Latvia outside Riga. !Super. My RHINO relates. The timing is great. Stone takes for ever and logical placements on the computer are so so quick. I would like to talk to that old man again! Here we have size in which most of my photos are sculptures around 4 feet. He would enjoy 3d printing I think. Those few weeks were hardcore sculpture work.

His work;

minimal style


-trying to learn rhino staying very minimal...
-took photos of semesters work....
-documenting project one with video....
-3d prints....
-carrying over mini sculpture park to crit in smiley...
-power point and final portfolio...
-forgot to show process of building scene...
-in over $100 in project 3....
-model is finished....

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Project 3 ; new version

I am making fifty rhino sketches and printing two more files out of that body. The model parts need to be glued down and touched up. So far the project is going along well. Looks cool and the sculptures pop out of color, texture, and shape throughout the piece. Very green.

The 3 prints within the piece will be monumental to say the least.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Project 3 is Project 2 reworked !@#

I will make a a model park to display my 3d prints (from project 2) as if they are monumental sculptures. Fake model trees, bushes, and grass will be the details and I am not yet sure if the sculptures will have a finish. I have one sculpture printed and I am working on the second (maybe 3). I am going to use wire mesh, paper mache, and moss green spray paint on the project to make hilly like features. This will be the most involved model I have ever attempted to create, and the financial investments are well worth it. I am excited to start working on the next steps. I feel my simple sculptural prints will take on new appearances when in the detailed model. The base will be plywood and I also have 12 inch gauze to experimant with for form and texture. I could use some small rocks also! The mini trees I purchased will make the prints look huge yet the prints are the smallest sculptures I have made to date. I am not sure about the glue I will use for the fine details. What and how it will work? I also have some sap green oil paint that could be used. The print that is done is a vertical pattern, and I think the second (maybe third) will be different, yet not a mass form, probably also linear. Creating my own sculpture park will be fun and aswesome to see how the sculptures would look in a large scale.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


The following 4 videos will be the content projected, looped, and effected with isadora and a computer in my installation. I wanted different concepts for each video so the viewer goes to each projection and watches out of simple curiosity to see what is next. The videos were shot with my camera then converted to MOV, uploaded to Youtube, and then published to my blog. I tried to make the video easy to loop and they play in a cyclic manner. I am unsure what the effects will be for the videos. I will try and project 2 videos per projector; mask/main and mieter/tub. All the audio is interesting and if possible combining them may sound nice.I am enjoying video as a medium. Now i can focus on sensors and isadora........

tub videos




Saturday, November 20, 2010

Project Three

-blackbox /video carts/ projectors/ isadora/ audrino/ proximity sensors
-question; do i need two audrinos to run two images from one projector?
-no sound/ keeps viewer watching/ if sound would be music
-do not have to burn dvds just put on flashdrive then into isadora
-4 images; question should all videos be different or just looped in different time sequences?
-question; how far away will sensors react?
-hang sheets to shoot on/ or bring over parts of mutable white cube
-question to self; position of projectors?
-question; are proximity sensors necessary/ or just motion and isadora effect/ all video playing and then effects based on standing in front of each projection
-different isadora effect for each video projection
-shadow of viewer

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Dimension 3D Printer in Action

3D Printing in action by 3D Creation Lab in Bristol, UK

NEW Project 2


    I changed it up in the project 2 department. Now I am 3D printing a set of objects into a standing sculpture. I have been working in Rhino and I am trying to make sure all my shapes are touching. I would like the piece to stand on its own but if not I will customize a base. The piece consists of 7 spheres of different sizes stacked on top of one another. Very simple but I think a good start and the minimal aspect is appealing. I am aware of the $5 per cubic inch cost to print and I hope the piece is not that expensive . A gamble I am willing to make for the sculpture gods. The printer"s 9x9 inch capacity is small and the piece I am printing will only be around 7 inches but has line, curve, shape, and multiple dimensions jammed into the little package. I have not thought about a finish yet some color may be nice.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Project 2

talked with arthur hash

gonna print some graphitti

any which way you want to spell it

gonna get my tag 3d

yet still hung on the wall

a visual groove

an image that pops out

a legal way 

question; finishing??



concept is changing dimensions

concept is self representation

concept is blending street and school

concept is staying up all night

concept is technology human and computer


Sculpting a Large Bust of Bethoven

Thermwood - 5 Axis CNC Router at John Cox's Creature Workshop

Hexapod Robot CNC Router - Cutting 3D face

Monday, October 25, 2010

Project 2

now with being a grad i would like to make 2d 3d by usin the cnc router

to cut a material to make graphitti letters and designs

graphitti which is huge is starting to creep into sculpture at least i hope so 

this is an exercise to get my tag hanging on a wall with "real" depth

i will scan into rhino maybe have color foam or wood

foam costs alot but its light wood heavy overall thickness


how to connect over the "i"

lowes phone number 8458345000

what is the vertical capacity of router?

Tooth and Nail: Film and Video 1970-74 by Dennis Oppenheim

Day is Done - a film by Mike Kelley

Mike Kelly Interview 3

Yvonne Rainer Trio A

Shaun Gladwell @ the Venice Biennale, 2009

Shaun Gladwell | Pataphysical Man | Saatchi & Saatchi New Director Showc...

Video research

vito acconci

yvonne Rainer

Andy warhol

mike kelly

jennifer reeder

shaun gladwell

Sunday, October 10, 2010

ninbento - circuit-bent nintendo

Circuit bent jam - Speak & Spell, APC dreamcast, hing hon, toy drum machine

Circuit bent Casio SA-8 keyboard

Project Two

-social/ societal/ solicity

-music/ noise

-public bikes/ buses/ trains/ planes

-many languages spoken at once

-inside/outside art


-science and art

-skateboarding/ snowboarding


-money/malls/buying things

-blackmarket/drugs/under the table

-health insurance/school loans/ bills/phones/rent


-hitch hiking

-welfare/ foodstamps


-"death of the author"

-oil spills/ natural disasters

-food/water/ religion

-aids/ disease/ mental and physical


-left/right brain




-soberness/ bars/social

-working out/ exercise





Saturday, October 9, 2010

Circuit bending children's toys


-sounds cool/ distortion /hacking

-Keith Harring/ 3D/ figural/ laser cut/ assembled

-jamming/ interactive/ control

-loud/ amped/ multi musical components

-problem solving/ engineers and artists/ group work/ conections

-performance/ random score/ computed/ idea worked/ totally bent

-toy/ art/ toy/ child/ toy/ adult/ copy

-electronics/ cardboard/ speakers/ mixer/ time

-sound and object design/ thought/ art and tech/ experiment

-music/ non verbal/ talking with hands


Ramble On


scroll/ motion sensor/ motors and  belts

video/ isadora/ multi projections/ conversation

Societal Ideas

employment/ finding job/ money/ homelessness

college/ art/ peers

(video) (stills)

Empac "Live Shorts"

Performance....there was beautiful female dancers flowing around the space to begin with. There was also two projectors and screens shooting abstract patterns (that you could see on both sides of screen). Music filled the room. The routine must have taken along time to learn! Then the room went silent and dark for a long long five minutes. Spotlights appeared with two people in old fashion clothing in a conversation. They talked very random and dramatically. After going back and forth speaking and the set going dark again several times the girl played a strange guitar. Then a new character came out and began to talk to the audience directly, asking questions and repeating the volunteer's answers. CUT

I enjoyed the piece. It relaxed me and I was inspired conceptually....In the strong content and no wrongs performance. Mixed performance. Time and Energy!! Good crowd, awesome building..I could somewhat relate having some similar mediums in my own work. 

Monday, August 23, 2010

Summer Video

I shot alot of short videos in my apartment this summer of 2010. I am hoping to incorporate them in some way. I think some of them would work for the "tripping" project, which is in an earlier post. The videos involve my performing and recording things we take for granted in everyday life, and other bizarre happenings........

here is the link


In Hollywood's bathroom

motion sensor air fresheners.....


There is lasers every foot at shoe level that will be triggered and sent to a sensor then to microcontroller and then to isadora and then to computer/projector. There will be multiple images that will appear where viewer is in the room and which lasers are triggered. I am imagining the viewers will move at different speeds having the images appear at different rates. The images will be looped video to bring in and hold viewers attention and hopfully they circulate around room! So where ever viewers are there will be video. Having opposing projectors pointed at two opposing walls would be interesting!